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21:05 20.09

1. General provisions

  1. 1.1
    By registering on the website you undertake obligations to observe the Rules.
  2. 1.2
    Administration retains the right to make changes into the Rules any time without prior notification. A new edition of the Rules becomes effective from the moment of its publishing on the web site.
  3. 1.3
    Both Administration and moderators retain the rights to make a decision to block accounts and to delete any illegal message or material without prior consent received from a user and without any explanations afterwards.
  4. 1.4
    Administration retains the right to use users’ e-mails to make general mailing in terms of the project.
  5. 1.5
    Neither Administration nor its representatives have no financial relationships with the website visitors (except payment of bonuses of the prediction competition). All the financial transactions (predictions purchase, loan/borrowing money, etc.) which you make with other website visitors are made at your own risk. The Administration does not execute arbitration functions in terms of disputes and claims which may occur in connection with it.

2. General rules of the website netiqette

  1. 2.1
    Respect all the web site visitors and its administration. Stay away from swearing, quarrelling and using rough words. Please, discuss news and predictions but not those who publish them.
  2. 2.2
    Racism, religious and political prevocational statements stimulating conflicts between visitors are strictly prohibited.
  3. 2.3
    The web site is Russian-speaking and messages in Latin letters are not welcome. All these messages should be translated into Russian as well.
  4. 2.4
    Rough and obscene words in any kind regardless the language are prohibited to use on the website. Nor are allowed any provocations or speculations around veiled words of that sort along with obscene or rough user’s names (nicks). Also prohibited obscene lexis.
  5. 2.5
    Advertisement of any sort is prohibited at the website. ‘How about…?’ ‘No’ Not at all?’ ’Not at all’.
  6. 2.6
    The website users undertake obligations not to use any materials under the intellectual property law protection (including copyright, trademark law) and other material which usage is protected by law without receiving an express permission of the rights owner for usage the protected material. At the same time the website user must prove that uploading materials on the website does not breach copyrights, allied an other rights of the third persons for the downloaded materials.

3. Registration at the website

  1. 3.1
    By registering you confirm that the website Administration has a right to check all the messages on the website to block any spam, obscene language, drugs, terrorism and extremism propaganda etc. In case of finding any facts contradicting Russian law in messages the Administration has a right to apply to the corresponding authorities.
  2. 3.2
    The Administration retains the right to edit the mentioned above information in the user’s profile or to block the user in case of their serious violation of the rules.
  3. 3.3
    Registration of several accounts by the same user to bypass the ban, to participate in the prediction competition, to misuse complains and likes as well as for the rest of illegal actions is forbidden. The website Administration retain the right to undertake any action up to taking down both numerous and the main accounts.
  4. 3.4
    The words breaking the norms of decency, morality and/or containing insults or religious terms (like Hitler, Antichrist, etc.); names copying that of the website Administration; names containing website advertisement as well as any other nicknames without any sense (like 78gdfh6fdg) are prohibited to use as the name (nickname) on the website.
  5. 3.5
    Violence, threats (on demographic, national or political basis), using foul language, lust (pornography), discrimination of any sort, commercial or advertising texts and images, imitation of ranks or titles of the website users, texts and images reflecting the current political situation (slogans, political campaign materials, photos of politicians, etc.) as well as provocation images including the Nazi symbols and replicas are prohibited to use on an account picture.

4. Dealing with violators

  1. 4.1
    Requests on the content moderation shold be sent to support.
  2. 4.2
    A user has a right to make an appeal in terms of the received ban. To do that the user shall contact support. Any other complains sent by different means of communication (forum, comments, suggestions, etc.) are not subject to consideration and must be taken down.
  3. 4.3
    The website administration retains the right to make a decision in terms of breaching the existing rules themselves (without discussing it); also, it retains the right to undertake measures without any consent in disputable situations.
  4. 4.4
    The rules cannot foresee all situations which might happen in the website forum, chat and comments. Decisions in terms of each individual case are made separately and can partially or completely fail to correspond the described above situations. The decisions can be made either to reduce or to tighten the punishment.
  5. 4.5
    In case of numerous violations of the website rules the Administration has a right to take down the user
  6. 4.6
    A user can be punished long time after his breaching the rules. On submitting the ban termination claim note that the history of your messages will be studied and the ban duration can be extended as well.

5. Penalty template

  1. 5.1
    Usage abusive expressions and words including the veiled ones.
    24-72 hour ban.
  2. 5.2
    Discussion and mentioning the following topics on the website including politics, racism, Nazism, drugs and pornography.
    Ban from 72 hrs to enetrnal one
  3. 5.3
    Insult of the website chat visitors (as well as athletes, teams, coaches and referees) of any type. Any rudeness, threats, personal insults and swear words and expressions including the veiled ones.
    Ban from 72 to 168 hrs
  4. 5.4
    Flood, flame, spam, offtop, trolling.
    Ban from 72 hrs to enetrnal one
  5. 5.5
    Publishing of fake information on goals scored in a match.
    24-72 hrs ban (blocking of the account in case of systematic violences).
  6. 5.6
    Publishing of prevocational messages triggering conflicts among users.
    24-72 hour ban.
  7. 5.7
    Impersonation for an administrator, a moderator or a representative website.
    Ban from 24 hrs to enetrnal one
  8. 5.8
    Posting links to illegal broadcasts, as well as to any other content that violates copyrights.
    Ban 168 hours or account blocking
  9. 5.9
    Asking for money, borrowing, as well as any other financial transfers, soliciting likes, etc.
    Ban from 24 hrs to enetrnal one
  10. 5.10
    Misuse of complains (to complain of the non-violating the rules messages) which result in users
    24hrs-30day ban, karma zeroing out
  11. 5.11
    Posting messages in capital letters (Caps Lock)
    Warning, for repeated violation of ban from 1 to 24 hours

6. Additional penalties for the forum

  1. 6.1
    Publishing of topics titles in capital letters (THIS SHOULD NOT BE MADE and This Should Not Be Made )
    The topic taking down and 24hour ban
  2. 6.2
    Creation of topics in the wrong section. The title and the content of the topic should correspond to the section where it is created.
    The topic taking down
  3. 6.3
    Duplication of the same topic. The duplicated topics will be taken down and the violators will be punished.
    The topic taking down and 24hour ban
  4. 6.4
    Creation of topics and uploading messages of any fundraising or donations without prior consent of the Administration.
    The topic taking down and 24-72 hour ban
  5. 6.5
    Insult both direct and indirect which is connected with the place of living (scornful distortion of the name of the city or the country) as well as the team (special greetings to Barcelona and Real supporters. Messi and Ronaldo are both geniuses. Any disrespectful statement towards them will be blocked and the most ardent ones will be rewarded with bans. The time of their insulting nicks has passed. Please, respect other participants, their football preferences and their favorite players.
    The topic taking down. Ban from 24 hrs to enetrnal one (in case of systemstic vilolations)
  6. 6.6
    Publication of other users’ personal information (address, phone number, name, links to social network profile, etc.) without prior approval.
    The topic taking down. Ban from 24 hrs to enetrnal one (in case of systemstic vilolations)
  7. 6.7
    Personification of any discussion. All the personal discussions should be made personally. PMs, dear users.
    The topic taking down. Ban from 24 hrs to enetrnal one (in case of systemstic vilolations)
  8. 6.8
    Systematic sending messages in any other language as well as with pressed Caps Lock button.
    The topic taking down and 24-72 hour ban
  9. 6.9
    Discussion of moderators’ actions including application to a moderator in terms of banning justification as well as discussion of the website users is prohibited. Such messages will be taken down and the most ardent users will have to receive bans. All the issues should be addressed to support.
    The topic/message taking down and 24- hour- eternal ban (in case of systemstic vilolations)

7. Rules of the predictions competition

  1. 7.1
    A stage is a calculation period of a prediction competition. Dates of each stage are set individually with indication of the date of its beginning and completion. Apart from that breakdown of bonuses should be indicated as well.
  2. 7.2
    A prediction for a match should be made not earlier then 30 days and no later than 1 minutes before the beginning of the match.
  3. 7.3
    A user can make only one forecast for any match. The points for the correct outcomes are granted as follows:
    • for the correctly predicted score – 5 points;
    • for the correctly predicted result and the goal difference– 3 points;
    • for the correctly predicted result – 2 points;
    • the final score of the match time.
  4. 7.4
    The points gained during a stage are summed up and the winners are determined based on their number.
  5. 7.5
    Incase of equal amount of pints of two and more users the priority of positions in the competition is determined as follows:
    • based on the highest number of the predicted correct scores;
    • based on the highest number of the predicted correct outcomes and the goal difference;
    • based on the highest number of the predicted correct outcomes;
    • in case of equality of the mentioned above indices an additional five-match round should be set. The matches for the additional round are determined by the Administration.
  6. 7.6
    Bonuses are transferred to the user’s account and can be transferred through the user’s e-purse.
  7. 7.7
    Postponed and any other matches which were added to forecast later than 48 hours before their beginning are excluded from the competition and are not considered.
  8. 7.8
    The administration retains the right to add some more matches to the competition (for instance, the country’s Super cup match, the UEFA Super cup match, etc.) in case it does not contradict to the previous Clause.
  9. 7.9
    The website administration retains the right to solve disputes and to terminate competition from the next month with prior informing the participants and paying bonuses for all the previous competitions.

8. Additional penalties for text predictions

  1. 8.1
    Increase in the number of symbols (meaningless set of letters and repeating of sentences) as well as publishing of the content which is not connected with the match.
    1 month ban and expeling from the prediction cometition
  2. 8.2
    Copying of comments to forecasts from other websites.
    1 month ban and expeling from the prediction cometition

9. Karma

  1. 9.1
    Karma is a numerical indicator of a user’s reputation on the website. You can check the karma in your own profile.
  2. 9.2
    The following factors influence on the karma
    • the number of messages in the chat,
    • the number of messages in the forum,
    • the number of comments,
    • the number of text forecasts,
    • the number of received likes,
    • t the number and duration of the received bans.
  3. 9.3
    The list of opportunities karma provides with includes
    • chat moderation,
    • adding broadcasts to matches,
    • adding links to chat messages,
    • sending complains through chat which automatically lead to bans,
    • decrease the likelihood of receiving an automatic ban.